Staff (military) — Staff office redirects here. For the ceremonial weapon, see staff of office. Not to be confused with Staff Corps Officer. Warfare Military history Eras … Wikipedia
staff — staff1 [staf, stäf] n. pl. staffs; also, for STAFF1 senses 1 & 5, staves [ME staf < OE stæf, akin to Ger stab, < IE base * steb(h) , post, pole > STEM1, STAMP] 1. a stick, rod, or pole; specif., a) a stick used … English World dictionary
Base Details — is a war poem by the English war poet Siegfried Sassoon. In the poem Sassoon condemns what he saw as the incompetence and callous indifference to the soldiers at the front displayed by the staff officers, or scarlet majors of the British Army,… … Wikipedia
Base Realignment and Closure, 2005 — The preliminary 2005 Base Realignment and Closure list was released by the United States Department of Defense on May 13, 2005. It is the fifth Base Realignment and Closure ( BRAC ) proposal generated since the process was created in 1988. It… … Wikipedia
Staff (jonglerie) — Bâton de feu Trajectoire d’un bâton de feu. Le bâton de feu (ou staff) et une discipline de la jonglerie enflammée qui s’apparente aux bollas. Le principe est simple : on enflamme les extrémités d’un ou de deux bâtons, puis on réalise des… … Wikipédia en Français
Staff personal data — Data held in an automated system relating to bank staff. This data is extra to that which is registered in the data base when entering a party. The most important staff personal data is the grade of the staff and the user id for accessing the… … International financial encyclopaedia
Base II — A data processing network operated by Visa USA for the clearing and settlement of bank card transactions between card honoring merchant banks and card issuers. This system provides net daily account settlement among Visa member institutions. The… … Investment dictionary
staff — Synonyms and related words: British Cabinet, Malacca cane, Sanhedrin, US Cabinet, accouter, advisory body, advocate, alpenstock, appoint, arm, armory, assembly, association, athletic supporter, back, backbone, backing, badge, badge of office,… … Moby Thesaurus
Base I — The data processing network used by Visa USA to process and provide authorization and authorization related services for credit card transactions that occur through banks that are connected with Visa USA. Base I was created in 1976 by Bank of… … Investment dictionary
base — Synonyms and related words: CP, GHQ, HQ, Mickey Mouse, abhorrent, abject, abominable, acid, acidity, agent, alkali, alkalinity, alloisomer, anchor, angle, anion, antacid, antecedents, arrant, atom, atrocious, awful, background, bad, baluster,… … Moby Thesaurus
Gold Base — The Gold Base is the informal name of the international headquarters of the Church of Scientology [ at.html Affidavit of Andre Tabayoyan] United States District Court, Central District of California case no … Wikipedia